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I bought new my bug !

just yesterday, I bought new my bug !

I went to exhibition of Magrit in Shinkokuritu bijutukan at Roppongi.

That exhibition was nice.

And...I went sightseeing to Akihabara with my frends.

I found good bag in Don quijote( Its cool and asiantic place in japan . Do you know ?).

I worryed to buy that bag for thirthty minutes.

Why Iworred for thirsty minute because I don`t have much money and I had other bag presented by my father yet.

Eventually I decided to buy the bag.

Because that bag is inexpencive , very user-frendly , and just size for me .

Why that bag is just size because the bag can put in my PC(display size is 13.3 inch.) , A4 note ,files ,box tissue (it`s my best indispensable goods for outcide ! ), and my variety tools .

this reason is perfect for me !.

By the way , the bag is this photo.

Its price is 6440 yen (in tax)

I will start to use this bag and wright more review tomorrow.

Thank you for read this article !

See you next time !

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